Battle of the Stocks + Youth Ministocks
Woodford Glen Speedway

Youth Ministocks Heat 2

Event R10       4 Laps   
Page 1           Issue 1
Start Fri Mar 12   20:26
Elapsed Time       10:16
Pos Car  Driver                   Competitor/Team                Vehicle              Cap   CL Laps     Race.Time Fastest...Lap

1   18C  Cameron Sidaway          Cameron Sidaway                                                 4    10:16.9258   3 0:22.1551 
2   97C  Ben McSweeney            Ben McSweeney                                                   4    10:17.2807   3 0:22.1266*
3   13S  Cody Ogle                Cody Ogle                                                       4    10:17.5874   3 0:22.2811 
4   12C  Cole Phillips            Cole Phillips                                                   4    10:17.9189   3 0:22.7285 
5   99B  Jacob Buckrell           Jacob Buckrell                                                  4    10:18.1399   3 0:22.2709 
6   77C  Robbie Edgeworth         Robbie Edgeworth                                                4    10:18.1460   3 0:22.2733 
7   47C  Tayler Houghton          Tayler Houghton                                                 4    10:18.2224   3 0:22.5306 
8   18N  Luke Higgins             Luke Higgins                                                    4    10:18.2937   3 0:22.3614 
9   46S  Regan Ogle               Regan Ogle                                                      4    10:18.4193   3 0:22.6262 
10  93C  Shayden Andrew-McCar     Shayden Andrew-McCartney                                        4    10:18.5835   3 0:23.1094 
11  31C  Zoe Knox                 Zoe Knox                                                        4    10:19.4414   3 0:22.8414 
12  321  Kelan Keith              Kelan Keith                                                     4    10:19.7346   3 0:22.2440 
13  26C  Oliver McCartney         Oliver McCartney                                                4    10:22.4725   3 0:23.7714 
14  59A  Ryleah Pinnell           Ryleah Pinnell                                                  4    10:22.5636   3 0:24.1511 
15  41C  Leaha Rowlands           Leaha Rowlands                                                  4    10:22.8738   3 0:22.9623 
16  27V  Emmily Meehan            Emmily Meehan                                                   4    10:24.7238   3 0:24.9485 
17  422  Cassandra Ashton         Cassandra Ashton                                                4    10:25.5173   3 0:24.2451 
18  72C  Emily Brooks             Emily Brooks                                                    4    10:26.4191   3 0:23.3752 
19  15C  Jack Wildermoth          Jack Wildermoth                                                 4    10:26.8411   3 0:23.3980 
20   4C  Flynn White              Flynn White                                                     4    10:27.2911   3 0:23.7683 
21  27C  Luci Elliott             Luci Elliott                                                    4    10:27.3704   3 0:26.7587 
22  823  Jaxyn Houtos             Jaxyn Houtos                                                    4    10:27.4910   3 0:23.8062 
DNF  8C  Bailey Cooper            Bailey Cooper                                                   1     9:50.1371   1 0:26.1499 
DNF 16R  Ashton Osborne           Ashton Osborne                                                  1     9:50.1371   1 0:26.7394 

Fastest Lap Av.Speed Is 70kph, Race Av.Speed Is 10kph
Current Race Lap Record Is 0:21.0932 Set On 09/11/2019 By Caleb Harris
R=under lap record by greatest margin, r=under lap record, *=fastest lap time
Issue# 1 - Printed Fri Mar 12 20:56:34 2021     Timing System By NATSOFT (03)63431311 & Dorian DATA-1
                                                                    Posted:                               Referee: Graham Cairns

NATSOFT Race Result

Battle of the Stocks + Youth Ministocks
Woodford Glen Speedway

Youth Ministocks Heat 2


Event R10       4 Laps   
Page 1           Issue 1
Start Fri Mar 12   20:26
Elapsed Time       10:16
                                    1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9        10 

18C Cameron Sidaway         0:23.4011 0:22.6427 0:22.1551 0:26.7887 
97C Ben McSweeney           0:23.5175 0:22.7948 0:22.1266 0:27.1436 
13S Cody Ogle               0:24.9746 0:23.4867 0:22.2811 0:27.4503 
12C Cole Phillips           0:25.0377 0:23.8061 0:22.7285 0:27.7818 
99B Jacob Buckrell          0:27.1160 0:26.0289 0:22.2709 0:28.0028 
77C Robbie Edgeworth        0:26.3385 0:24.1392 0:22.2733 0:28.0089 
47C Tayler Houghton         0:27.7966 0:24.5265 0:22.5306 0:28.0853 
18N Luke Higgins            0:26.4843 0:25.3224 0:22.3614 0:28.1566 
46S Regan Ogle              0:28.1168 0:24.6773 0:22.6262 0:28.2822 
93C Shayden Andrew-McCar    0:23.9957 0:23.8572 0:23.1094 0:28.4464 
31C Zoe Knox                0:25.8454 0:25.1032 0:22.8414 0:29.3043 
321 Kelan Keith             0:28.4691 0:27.3885 0:22.2440 0:29.5975 
26C Oliver McCartney        0:28.1738 0:26.7973 0:23.7714 0:32.3354 
59A Ryleah Pinnell          0:25.3110 0:28.6697 0:24.1511 0:32.4265 
41C Leaha Rowlands          0:28.4422 0:30.1509 0:22.9623 0:32.7367 
27V Emmily Meehan           0:28.9159 0:28.3869 0:24.9485 0:34.5867 
422 Cassandra Ashton        0:28.4231 0:29.2627 0:24.2451 0:35.3802 
72C Emily Brooks            0:28.6449 0:31.6458 0:23.3752 0:36.2820 
15C Jack Wildermoth         0:25.7266 0:32.2643 0:23.3980 0:36.7040 
 4C Flynn White             0:30.1354 0:30.1659 0:23.7683 0:37.1540 
27C Luci Elliott            0:34.3967 0:38.0841 0:26.7587 0:37.2333 
823 Jaxyn Houtos            0:29.4160 0:33.9063 0:23.8062 0:37.3539 
 8C Bailey Cooper           0:26.1499 
16R Ashton Osborne          0:26.7394 

underline=fastest lap time
Issue# 1 - Printed Fri Mar 12 20:56:34 2021     Timing System By NATSOFT (03)63431311 & Dorian DATA-1
                                                                    Posted:                               Referee: Graham Cairns

NATSOFT Race Result

Battle of the Stocks + Youth Ministocks
Woodford Glen Speedway

Youth Ministocks Heat 2


Event R10       4 Laps   
Page 1           Issue 1
Start Fri Mar 12   20:26
Elapsed Time       10:16
      1   2   3   4 

1   18C 18C 18C 18C 
2   97C 97C 97C 97C 
3   93C 13S 13S 13S 
4   13S 12C 77C 12C 
5   12C 93C 12C 99B 
6   59A 77C 93C 77C 
7   15C 47C 47C 47C 
8   31C 46S 46S 18N 
9    8C 31C 18N 46S 
10  77C 18N 31C 93C 
11  18N 99B 99B 31C 
12  16R 26C 321 321 
13  99B 321 26C 26C 
14  47C 27V 59A 59A 
15  46S 59A 41C 41C 
16  26C 422 27V 27V 
17  422 41C 422 422 
18  41C  4C  4C 72C 
19  321 72C 72C 15C 
20  72C 15C 15C  4C 
21  27V 823 823 27C 
22  823 27C 27C 823 
23   4C             
24  27C             
Issue# 1 - Printed Fri Mar 12 20:56:34 2021     Timing System By NATSOFT (03)63431311 & Dorian DATA-1
                                                                    Posted:                               Referee: Graham Cairns